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Music Equipment

Meet the River Musicians


Jeremie and Julie Tremblay

Brace Yourself and Arise Ministry
Musician/Singer/Songwriter/Music producer

I served my country over 20 years in the Canadian Armed Forces with my beloved wife and wonderful children alongside and now we have the privilege of serving Full time into Yah's Kingdom. May his name be glorified through our offerings! Click on the Icon below to visit our YouTube Channel. We pray we can be a blessing to everyone watching our Music Videos!

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Vincent James Wehner

Singer, Musician and Songwriter

The deepest desire of my heart is that my life would be a pleasing offering to Yah. My occupation is building and remodeling houses. My passion is serving into the House of Yisrael through discipleship & music alongside my beloved bride and 4 precious gifts from Abba.

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Adrian Bogle ITRA profile pic.jpg

Adrian Bogle

Singer, Musician and Songwriter

As a youngster,  I loved writing poetry using rhyme and word play  to express feelings and emotion. When I discovered the guitar and writing songs, it was only natural for poems to become lyrics.  Over the years, I played music for various occasions and venues.  But it wasn't until I began offering up my music to my King, did I feel I that was doing exactly what I was created to do.  HalleluYah!

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Nicolette LaPierre

Notorious Love Music Ministry
Singer, Musician and Songwriter

Born into a First Nations family but adopted by Dutch farmers where I was blessed to attend a Christian elementary school. As a child I enjoyed singing and Royal Conservatory Piano lessons. As an adult I taught Kindermusik, vocals, piano and ukulele. I am so grateful that Yah has opened my eyes to His Torah and gave me this opportunity to Glorify His Name with my voice and hands!

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Gloria Smith

Glory to Yah Music Ministry

My desire is to bring glory to the Father through music. I only write music based on His word and hope that it can be a blessing for the body. My desire is that the scriptures can dwell in the hearts of those who listen. I long to try and make different genres of praise music that brings joy to both the Father and His people.

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Michael Ohman

Musician and Composer


I've always had a passion for music, especially instrumental music, as it has an ability to transport you to places in an abstract sense, and to tug at emotions that simply cannot be described with words. I started playing guitar at the age of 13 and have since pushed the boundaries of my guitar playing, both on the electric and the acoustic guitar. I believe that Yah deserves the best one can give, and this is reflected in my compositions that tend to lean more to the virtuoso, whilst not sacrificing the melodic and emotional content of any given piece of music.

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Placid Anastasi



 In 1984 I received Yeshua Messiah, as Master. Submitting to the Scriptural mandate for fellowship, I've spent decades trying to belong in established "Christianity." Eight years ago, I met and married Pamela. Together we have searched genuine fellowship based on the Scriptures alone and in their entirety. Happily, we discovered "The River."

We recognized the work of Yahweh's Spirit in the faithful expounding of His Word through Yeshua Messiah. In the enjoyment of this fellowship we came upon "River Art." Now we have the means to serve The Body through music. We are excited for this opportunity to be a blessing to our brothers and sisters in Messiah Yeshua. It is our prayer in His Name to answer this call to Yahweh's good pleasure and for the edification of the saints.

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Joel Batson and Family


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We are a family who are passionate about living for our God, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.  We’ve been travelling around NZ (husband, wife, son and dog), learning a whole lot about ourselves and the ways of our Heavenly Father.  It is a privilege to be able to see more and more of the Father’s wonderful creation as we travel; splendid mountains, cool springs, beautiful beaches, rugged rock formations, fearsome weather, lush forests and winding rivers to name but a few. But we especially love making connections with fellow believers who are also seeking to walk in faith as our Messiah Yeshua also walked...We hope you enjoy our music and we pray you find it to be a blessing.

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Joshua Warren


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Hi, I’m Joshua Warren. I was born and raised in Texas and have loved to share my voice since I was a child. When I started my journey with The Father, my desires shifted into a place of aspiring to serve our King with all that I have. He laid it on my heart to share testimony and encouragement through music and poetry. Writing about my experiences has always been a key element in expressing the deepest cries of my heart. Revelation 12 says that Our King’s set apart ones overcame by the Blood of The Lamb and the word of their witness and my hope is that the music Abba permits me, affords others the ability to convey what they may not be able to express. If our King may use the word of my witness to bless even one, it’s worth more than gold to me. Enjoy.

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Ajay Koleth

Musician/Singer/Songwriter/Music producer

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The Aleph-Tav Project Audio

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The Aleph-Tav Project Video

My name is Ajay Koleth and I have a beautiful wife and five daughters and we live in East Tennessee. 

I remember being asked on many ocassions why I was making this ridiculous move to America in 2001 and I remember saying that I wanted to be a Rockstar. In order to continue this story, we would need to sit around the campfire and fellowship. I enjoy writing music that is very progressive in nature and very different from a lot of music out there. I am convinced that we are to give our very best as an offering to Yah. I believe I am called to proclaim the Gospel of Messiah and the entire biblical story through music that Yah gives me, to all the people in the earth, especially to the musicians. My hope is to travel all over the world and gift my music for free if the opportunity comes. I hope you enjoy my expression of music and it blesses you. All my music is available for free on all the major music platforms under the artist name “The Aleph-Tav Project”. I am also looking forward to collaborating with other musicians regardless of styles or genre of music. 

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