Brad Moore

My wife Leanne and I embarked on this journey in 2009 and have been pursuing our messiah to this day. I have been a journeyman tradesman - Bricklayer, Plumber and Gas Fitter for many years and enjoyed working with my hands. When I wasn’t working, I explored photography, drawing, painting and home design. The time came to hang up my tool belt, and search for what could be next. I wanted something that would allow my creativity to continue, a spark was lit when I discovered the laser printer. With this I can print on leather, wood, metal, glass, acrylic and paper, designing what the Ruach places in my mind. It is my honor to develop creations making them available to the people of Yisrael in The River Community. My hope is that the skills Yah has blessed me with will be a blessing to those who receive. If you would like something engraved, or want to place an order I can be reached by email at